Some of our Team's Accomplishments
Martinez, G., Sanchez, A., Guevara, N., Ortiz, A., German, A., Hernandez, E., Orvalle, B., Torres, A., & Ma, P-W (2024, August). Empowering Coping Skills and Well-being for Latinx Newcomer Students: Revamped Group Intervention. Poster Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association Convention. Seattle, Washington.
Puebla, R., Martinez, G., & Torres, A. (2024, February) Extreme Hardship of Mixed Citizenship Families: Symptoms and Experiences. Poster Presented at the American Psychological Association Convention. Seattle, Washington.
Ospina, B., Ortiz, A., Hernandez, E., Torres, A., & Ma, P-W (2024, August). Latinx College Students at HSI: Mestizo, discrimination, and connection to campus. Poster Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association Convention. Seattle, Washington.
Juncosa, B. & Torres, A. (2024, August). From victim to perpetrator: Exploring executive functioning processes as potential mediating factors between childhood trauma and violence [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Virtual.
Martinez, G., Guevara, N., & Torres, A., (2024, August). Race/ethnicity and the relationship between racial microaggressions, skin color and clinical symptom [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Virtual.
Puebla, R., Martinez, G., & Torres, A. (2024, February) Extreme Hardship of Mixed Citizenship Families: Symptoms and Experiences. Poster Presented at the Latino Mental Health Association of New Jersey Convention. Randolph, New Jersey.
Smith-Cordice, A., Rimal, A., Martinez, G., Ospina, B., Cheron, S., Torres, A., & Ma, P-W (2023, August). Acculturative stress and clinical symptom differences in middle and high school Latinx newcomers. Poster Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, D.C.
Moura, F., Wrobleski, J., Enunwa, D., Varghese, C., Perone, J., Torres, A., & Ma, P-W (2023, August). Lived Experiences: Immigration, Family Separation, and Resilience of Latinx College Students. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
Hassabelnaby, R., Torres, A., Conrad, M., Varghese, C., & Pineda, J. (2023, August). Parent-Child Concordance of Big-Five Personality Traits in Children. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of The American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
Martinez, G., Guevara, N., Toledo, A., Juarez, G., Ospina, B., Salemeron-Flores, I., Ma, P-W., & Torres, A. (2023, August). Evaluation of a School-Based group intervention for Latinx newcomer middle and high school students. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of The American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
Becher, C., Wrobleski, J., Stastny, P., Perez-Lucero, K., Perone, J., Torres, A., & Ma, W-P (2023, August) A Qualitative Exploration of Stigma of Mental Illness in Orthodox Jewish Communities. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of The American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
Grenier, N., Stastny, P., Chiodi, C., Guevara, N., Salmeron-Flores, I., Jimenez, C., & Ma, W-P., Torres, A. (2023, August). The Impact of Tabletop Roleplaying Games on Gender Dysphoria in Transgender and Non-binary Adults. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of The American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
Becher, C. B., Grenier, G.N., Smith-Cordice, A., & Ma, P-W. (2022, August). The Resilience of Immigrant Chinese Mothers in Transnational Separation and Reunification. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Minneapolis, MN./Virtual
Perez-Lucero, K., Toledo, A., Torres, A., & Ma, P-W (2022, August). Cultural adjustment group
intervention for recently arrived Latinx immigrant youth. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Minneapolis, MN.
Wang, X. C., Juncosa, B., Elias, N., Manalansan, J., Wang, C., Cheah, S.L., & Ma, P-W (2022, August). Coping with the Covid-19 Pandemic and Anti-Asian Racism: The Experience of Chinese Immigrant Parents. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Minneapolis, MN./Virtual
Puebla, R., Alava, B., Manalansan, J., Torres, A., & Ma, P-W. (2022). Culturally Responsive Telehealth Group Intervention for Recently Arrived Latinx Immigrant Youth. Workshop presented at the 39th Annual Winter Roudntable Conference in Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Ahmed, M., Saleh, G., & Ma, P-W. (2021, September). Culturally Responsive Group Intervention for Recently Arrived Muslim Immigrant Youth. Roundtable discussion presented at the American Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African Psychological Association (AMENA-PSY) virtual conference.
Henao, M., Akoto, M. Torres, A. Billini, O., Cheron, S., Moura, F., Alava, B. Ma, P-W (2020, August).“I am not an American!": The Acculturative Stress of Recently Arrived Latinx Immigrant Youth. Poster presented virtually at the SCCAP (Division 53) of the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Ma, P-W., Akoto, M., Saleh, G., Ahmed, M., Kuku, S. M., & Torres, A. (2020, August). Perceived discrimination, acculturative stress, and mental health of Muslim immigrant adolescents. Poster presented virtually at Division 45 of the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Ma, P-W., & Torres, A. (2020, August). A Cultural Adjustment Group for Recently Arrived Latinx, Middle-Eastern, and Bangladeshi Immigrant Students. In C. Wang (chair). School-based mental health services for immigrant youth and families. Symposium presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. (Virtual).
Henao, M., Briggs, A. Torres, A., Akoto, M., Ma, P-W., Bilini, O. & Alava, B. (2020, February). Clinical Symptoms, Family Separations and Acculturation in Recently Immigrated Latinx and Bangladeshi Middle School Youth. Roundtable Presentation at the Latino/a Mental Health Association of NJ. Elizabeth, NJ.
Kuku, S., Torres, A. & Smarz, K. (2019, October). Symptoms in Non-Offending African-American/Black and Latinx Caregivers of Sexually Abused Children: Ethnicity/Race and Immigration Considerations. Poster Presented at the New Jersey Psychological Association’s Fall Conference, East Hanover, NJ.
Perera, A.K., DeDilectis, M., Torres, A. (2019, October). Child sexual abuse, symptomatology and relationships in a Latinx community. Poster Presented at the New Jersey Psychological Association’s Fall Conference, East Hanover, NJ.
Ma, P.-W., Chowdury, T., Chong, Y. K., Valera, R., Cardenas, M., Torres, A., Henao, M., Akoto, M.,(2019, August). Development of a Cultural Adjustment Group for Latinx and Bangladeshi Recent Immigrant Students. Poster presentation for Division 45 (Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race) at the 2019 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, Chicago, IL.
Torres, A. Valera, R., Chong, Y.K. Cardenas, M. Chowdury, T. Ma, P-W. (2019, August). Clinical Symptoms, Family Separations and Acculturation in Recently Immigrated Middle School Youth. Poster accepted for Division 53 (Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology) at the 2019 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Chicago, IL.
Valera, R., Cardenas, M., Chong, Y.K., Torres, A., Ma. P-W. Akoto, M & Bilini, O. (2019, February).Clinical Symptoms, Family Separations and Acculturation in Recently Immigrated Latinx Middle School Youth. Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the Latino/a Mental Health Association of New Jersey. Rutherford, NJ.

CRT Research Team Members at the American Psychological Association’s Annual Convention in Seattle, Washington in 2024

CRT Research Team Members at the American Psychological Association’s Annual Convention in Washington, DC in 2023

Our MA graduates at the American Psychological Association’s Annual Convention in Chicago, 2019

Melissa Henao and Angelica Briggs at the New Roberto Clemente School

Bryan and Alejandra facilitating a Group at the New Roberto Clemente School in Spring of 2022